I have a confession to make… I love balls of yarn. I know yarn is often wound in skeins so you can stick your finger in the center and pull out an end, making the process of pulling the yarn easy and it stops yarn from rolling around your floor. Also, you can buy hanks of yarn that you must wind yourself and many people use ball-winders which creates a cylinder shape with a flat top and bottom. This also has a center pull.
I’m old fashioned, I suppose, but I love to simply roll the yarn into a ball and I get a certain amount of satisfaction watching it scoot across the floor when I give a big pull. I don’t have cats but my dogs have been known to pick up a ball and take off running. Someone might find that annoying… I find it amusing. I’ve also been eyeing beautiful pottery bowls meant to contain rogue balls of yarn. And I love, love, love the feel of winding yarn. Although I often stick my hank of yarn on a willing subject’s hands, I’ve been know to plop the yarn on my feet and wind from there.
I’ve got to believe I’m not the only one that loves to wind yarn into beautiful balls!
Anyway… today we are sharing our Ball of Yarn Coloring Page. Hope your family has as much fun coloring it as I have winding yarn!
This coloring page is based on the Ball of Yarn Applique.
The Ball of Yarn Coloring Page can be found HERE.
The Ball of Yarn Applique can be found HERE.
The May Applique Collection can be found HERE.
The Coloring Page Gallery can be found HERE.